Butter and cream cheese provide the rich taste in this deliciously dense pound cake. I always top mine with a fresh lemon glaze made of fresh lemon juice...
This is an old recipe that my grandmother always made. It goes great with coffee and is quick and easy to make. Light lemon flavor that can be accompanied...
This luscious pound cake has a nutty top crust, and is moist and flavorful. Makes a great gift. You can use halved maraschino cherries instead, if you...
This is a moist, rich, dense vanilla pound cake that looks beautiful and tastes heavenly. My family requests it often. The ingredients are simple and basic,...
This recipe is over 100 years old and is the original kind of pound cake: it contains 1 pound each of butter, sugar, eggs and flour and contains no salt,...
Sweet potatoes during the holidays are a must in our household. This time I decided to do something different other than a casserole or a pie. I used white...
This lemon butter pound cake is super-moist and dense. It's not for those watching calories! It's a great comfort food and goes especially well with vanilla...
Quesadilla Salvadorena is a moist, sweet, cheese pound cake. The key to this recipe is the type of cheese used, Parmesan cheese. I invented this recipe...
After making more of these pound cakes than I can count over the holidays, I've decided to share this fabulous recipe. This is my grandmother's, and it...
This is the recipe my Grandmother would make every year during the holidays. I found the recipe tucked in her Bible when she passed, and it was written...
After I couldn't find a recipe for chocolate sour cream pound cake, I made this recipe by combining three cake recipes and using some suggestions from...
This is a variation of the recipe that was in the April 2011 Southern Living magazine. It is a very moist cake with a delicate Key lime taste--not too...
My grandmother, Gladys Payne Gittens, came here from Barbados about 1906. She read this to me over the phone when I was in law school in 1978. Thanks to...
My great-grandma's pound cake is the ultimate comfort food. This is one you don't want to count the calories on! Super delicious and unforgettable! Apply...
This is by far the best recipe I have ever tried for pound cakes. Add your own flavors but follow ingredients to a tee. The cake flour and whipping cream...
My mother-in-law always makes this pound cake for holidays. That makes this cake very special, but it really could be made any time of the year! Even people...